About a month ago, while I was replying to a comment on my business page on Facebook, I noticed that the profile picture for the commenter had a really cool looking kayak rolling image in it. I clicked through to the profile and saw that it was a picture of a paddler, wearing a tuilik, performing a chest scull. In the foreground there was a large seal and in the background was the flag of Greenland.
I contacted the profile owner, Michael Talton, and enquired after the image. It transpired that he drew it himself and that he had a few T-Shirts made with the image on the chest. At the time he had no plans or place to sell them, but with a little light cajoling he now has a website and you too can own one of these lovely shirts by visiting Kayak Designs at http://www.kayakdesigns.net/the-chest-skulling-t-shirt/
I have a lot of paddles; I also have a lot of rolling sticks and norsaqs. Last year I purchased a plethora of paddle socks in a huge range of colors to protect my collection of paddles. My favorite paddle socks come from a lovely Canadian lady, Jill Ellis. I know Jill through many interactions online and she has graciously been advertising my book Rolling with Sticks on her website. Jill is a multi-talented craftswoman. She makes exquisite Greenland paddles, and one day I will have to commission one. Jill also makes harpoons and norsaqs. And…. She also makes paddle socks; well I think she has someone else do the sewing but she markets them through her websites. I recently acquired a harpoon from Jill and I look forward to the Minnesota spring thaw so I can get it afloat and start learning how to throw it. But I digress. What I really meant to write about was the “mega-pouch”. Last year Jill made me a wonderful fleece roll that can hold six norsaqs. I now use this every weekend to transport my collection to the pool for rolling sessions so anyone that needs a norsaq can grab one. If you have not checked out Adanac Paddles, or Jill’s paddle socks/booties I recommend you do so…. http://www.adanacpaddles.com