In a couple of weeks I am going to the Apostle Islands for a kayak camping trip with my father. It will be his first time in the Islands. In preparation for the trip we worked on creating useful navigation charts, using information from I was able to download a high resolution raster version of the regions NOAA navigation chart. Using Photoshop I then drew likely routes on the chart and with the help of Google Earth we calculated magnetic bearings (and back bearings) as well as the distance for each route. I added this information next to each route.
Having decided upon our Plan A routes for each day I zoomed in on the appropriate area of the chart and then printed that section in detail. On the reverse side of each days chart I added the entire chart in case the days plans changed.
These sheets were then laminated under 3mil plastic sheet to protect them from the elements. During use I place the charts under the deck lines on my kayak. I keep back-up copies in my day hatch, as well as a copy of the National Geographic Topo in case I lose the charts.
If you decide to use these charts please remember two things: First, the bearings were calculated in April 2012 (variation 2° west) and are subject to subsequent magnetic variation changes. Second, the bearings and distance were calculated by humans and are subject to human error, I recommend you check those measurements you intend to rely upon.
This chart is based on a NOAA chart 14973 version 27, and its usage and distribution is covered by their limitations of use policy:…
If you would like a copy of the waypoint GPX file to load onto your GPS containing end points of each route and all the camp sites it is available here (right click and select save as>. The waypoints are labelled using each island’s name followed by each campground numbers or N,S,E,W to represent which point on the island they represent.