These two pictures show the before and after of the soffits and fascia: Today I finished the south side of the house and the garage, the east side of the house remains but I wont be rushing to do that. J has finished priming the walls in E’s bedroom and I need to paint the ceiling one evening this week.
We spent this afternoon furniture shopping, we bought 3 beds (including mattresses), four dinning chairs, a sofa and chaise, an arm chair, a chest of draws, a book case, and a patio set of 6 chairs and a table. All to be delivered next week, apart from the chair which will be custom made with the fabric we chose, and one of the beds that has to be built first apparently. Oh and I almost forgot we bought a rug which is rolled up in the bag of my car waiting to be dropped off.
Lots still left to buy but huge progress for an afternoon.
We know the dinning table we want and also a large cantilever umbrella but there are in Edina and the store was closed today.