Why preserve the history of Kayaking?

Why preserve the history of Kayaking?

So why worry about preserving the past? Why preserve the Greenland Qajaq Culture? It is my belief that history has value. Amongst the many things history can teach us are skills, values, identity, and it can provide a legacy around which communities can be sustained.

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Fall fun with the Finns

Fall fun with the Finns

There are only a few weeks left now when the water will be fluid in Minnesota. The Fall (Autumn) represents the transition from green to brown as the leaves move through the intense colors from green to reds to golden yellow before finally falling brown and withered....

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What is Greenland kayak rolling?

What is Greenland kayak rolling?

Technique, sport, craft or art? Greenland kayak rolling is like writing, many people do it, each for their own reason and purpose. Each person seeks to achieve a different outcome. There is a deeply personal connection, a relationship, between the paddler and their...

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Bomb proofing your roll

Bomb proofing your roll

I help a lot of people learn how to roll their kayak. Many people come to a mentoring session and leave having completed a dozen or so rolls that they never dreamed they could do successfully. Many people come back to their next session saying their rolls vanished as...

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Breaking through the glass ceiling – elbow rolling

Breaking through the glass ceiling – elbow rolling

Yesterday evening I ran a mentoring session at the cabin, helping people to develop their kayak rolling. Two other mentors, Mike and Renee, came to help. A few people showed up early, Mike being one of them. Mike and I don’t get enough time to play together so I leapt...

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Anders Thygesen – A Portrait of Paddling Passion

Anders Thygesen – A Portrait of Paddling Passion

Two years ago my world changed for the better; I met Anders Thygsesn at the Delmarva Paddler's Retreat. It is not often that I meet someone who so profoundly moved me through their words and actions. Externally he is a tall lanky man, with wavy hair, dashing good...

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Saying good bye to Chris

Saying good bye to Chris

Chris died last year. His passing was inevitable, stupid words I suppose, each of us will pass, yet Chris passed too soon for me. Yes I grieved when I heard the news from my father. In the moment I think I grieved more for the feelings I imagined within my...

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Your most intimate paddling relationship?

Your most intimate paddling relationship?

Do you fall in love with paddles? I do. I must confess though I am a paddle philanderer. My passion for paddles continues to grow, each time I meet a new paddle I imagine how it will feel slicing though the water, I get giddy anticipating what it can teach me. Each...

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