Greenland Paddles
Greenland paddle makers can be found around the globe, manufacturing, crafting and lovingly creating paddles for us to enjoy. This list is not exhaustive but includes those paddles that I have come across during my paddling travels, where they exist I have included a link to any articles I have published about the paddles. If you are a paddle maker and would like to be included on this list, or you notice an error in the information on this page please feel free to contact us. You will notice I have included where the items are made. I think it is important that we consider where our gear is made so that we can understand the impact our purchase may have on the environment, as well as the conditions under which the gear is made. I would hope that you can buy local and in doing so make a positive impact to your local paddle economy and environment.

Aluu Paddles – Custom Greenland Paddles, machine carved and hand finished from high quality cedar. Made in Michigan.
Beale Paddles – Hand carved solid or laminated wooden paddles, I have watched Don carve…. impressive. Made in Oregon.
Benjamin Fontenot Paddles – Crafted from hand picked, premium grade Western Red Cedar. The classic West Greenland styled paddle is available as solid, bookmatched, and hollowcored, plus norsaqs. Made in Minesotta.
Betsy Bay – Laminated wood paddles in a distinctive shape, available in three sizes and with a variety of loom materials. Made in Michigan.
Mitchell Paddles – Laminated Greenland paddles made from Spruce available in two sizes. Made in New Hampshire.
Nash Boatworks – One, two and three piece carbon fiber paddles, available in lengths 82″-90″. Made in Illinois.
Seawolf Kayak – Handpicked wood from Western Red Cedar, sourced locally, all paddles are made to order out of Seattle, Washington.
Shaw and Tenney – Unfinished Greenland paddles ideal for your own customization and treatment. Made in Maine.
Thomas Paddles – Greenland paddles made from western red cedar and black locust, finished with tung oil. Made in Oregon.
Tuktu Paddles – Solid and laminated wooden paddles, custom made and hand carved in New Jersey.
Valkyrie Carft – Hand made laminated in a number of standard sizes.
Windslicer Paddles – Hand made one and two part Greenland paddles with hardwood tips.
Gearlabs – Composite Carbon and Glass fiber, ultra light Greenland paddles available in a variety of lengths. Reviewed here.
H.Leinad Kayak Paddles – Custom hand carved Greenland paddles, made from western red
cedar. Made in Galicia
Kayak Groenlandes Alicantino – Hand made Greenland paddles, laminated and solid, available with epoxy coated tip protection.
Jakoi Paddles – Hand made Greenland paddles carved in western red cedar and laminated with iroco wood and with fire etched and painted decoration too . Made in proportion to the buyer.
Manolo Pastoriza – Solid cedar Greenland Paddles, custom hand carved to order.
Enot – Laminated and solid Greenland paddles, available decorated with painted and burned art work.
Rosas – Greenland Paddles – Laminated hand-made custom wooden Greenland paddles.
John Paddle – Cedar Greenland paddles, now including multi-part paddles.
Rebel Kayaks – Laminated wooden Greenland paddles, available in three sizes made from Pacific Red Cedar and reinforced with edges of Fraxinus. (They also make norsaq, or rolling sticks)
Avannaq – A modern twist combining Greenland and wing style paddles in a patented blade design.
Norwegian Wood Paddles – Hand carved solid and laminated Greenland paddles made from locally harvested wood, you can read about Anders the builder here.
Saga Tre Hvittingfoss – Handcrafted paddles built in spruce, aspen, pine, as well as touches of blackwood coated with linseed oil or stain.
Avatak Italy – Laminated Greenland style paddles in a variety of lengths and blade profiles.
Wave Design – Carbon fiber one and two-piece paddles hand crafted near Rome.
Denescanoe – Laminated Greenland (and other style) kayak paddles.
Alpine Paddles – Wooden hand carved Greenland paddles available in standard sizes or customized. Laminated hardwood edges available.
Aciceri Greenland paddles – Recently discovered.
Made in Finland
Kajak Sport – A lightweight innovative carbon fiber paddle with adjustable loom length called the Inuksuk.
Paddling Fabriken – Custom hand made to order, west Greenland Paddles, carved by Jöns Aschan.
Lahnaoski Kayak paddles – One standard size, very economically prices laminated Greenland paddle.
Made in Estonia
East Pole Paddles – Customizable laminated and solid Greenland paddles.
Gram Kajak – Laminated wooden and carbon fiber Greenland Paddles, made using Western Red and Alaskan Yellow cedar. Now making two-part paddles, and oval loom.
Greenland Paddle – Solid and laminated Greenland paddles hand carved from Western Red Cedar and Spruce.
King Paddles – Two part carbon fiber Greenland paddles available in numerous lengths.
Olym Sports – Three piece carbon fiber paddles factory direct from Hangzhou.
Joe O Paddles – Laminated and solid cedar custom paddles hand made by a renowned long-distance kayak and canoe record holder. Reviewed here.
Made Kayaks – High grade red cedar paddles solid or laminated with hard wood tips, made in Gabriola Island British Columbia.
T and J paddles – Laminated custom paddles hand made using an ecologically sensitive zero waste methodology. Specializing in color artistic designs.
VI Paddles – Custom solid and laminated Greenland paddles made from locally harvested sustainable cedar grown in British Columbia. Reviewed here.
Elver paddles – Hand carved and finished with a durable oil finish, limited sizes but nicely finished. I used one in Sydney harbor for an afternoon.

If there are any errors or omissions on these pages please contact us to rectify.