Next kayak ?

Having exchanged a bunch of messages with Baldvin Kristjansson it is very clear that I am going to have to try a skin on frame kayak for myself. No one has been able to put a scientific explanation behind this steadfast belief than many expert Greenland paddlers have that the flexibility of an SOF makes them better in extreme conditions. Now I don’t intend to get into extreme conditions but then no one does do they… Three options seem to present themselves to me:

1. Build a replica Greenland SOF – fun idea but I barely have enough time to nap on the weekends as it is.

2. Buy a used replica Greenland SOF – not many available and would they fit me?

3. Buy a modern SOF – Follow in Dubsides footsteps

Feathercraft seems to have an excellent reputation and one of their latest kayaks the Khatsalano look very elegant. The only issue with the Feathercraft option is the outrageously high price. Also given J and my passion for travel the idea of a folding packable kayak is very appealing, I have yet to be happy with the equipment I have rented on any vacation.
Additional item to resolve with the travelling kayak is the travelling Greenland paddle, where can I get a three piece carbon GP? I suggest three pieces as the loom could be one and the two blades the other two pieces, a two piece would be too long for most luggage.
Next time J and I go to the islands of Hawaii I would love to be able to take my own kayak, and paddle….

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