Kayak Roll Instruction
A comprehensive collection of Greenland style rolling information, each with instructions, diagrams and videos to help you perfect your rolling techniques.

If you are looking to prepare yourself your equipment and then learn your first roll please follow this link to a series of articles put together to help people get started: Getting your first roll

Nothing beats in person training, especially one-on-one training. If you are looking for mentoring check out the clinics we offer and see if they are right for you.

Layback Rolls

Standard, Butterfly, Armpit, Behind neck, Crook of elbow, Spine, Scarecrow, paddle in front
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Sculling and Bracing

Balance brace, Side Scull, Chest Scull, Paddle under kayak, Paddle on foredeck, vertical scull
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Forward Finishing Rolls

Storm, Arms crossed, Reverse Sweep, Continuous, Paddle behind neck, Paddle behind back, Back deck
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Norsaq Rolls

Front to back, Swept from stern to bow, forward to forward, Mummy, Swan
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Hand Rolls

Front to back, back to front, forward to forward, Clenched first, Straight jacket, Elbow, Mummy
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Petrussen maneuver, Walrus Pull, Paddling upside down, Roll with hunting float, Air Sculling, Rock roll
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