The Butterfly roll is traditionally taught as a layback roll. However, it can also be used as a powerful forward finishing roll. I learned about this roll watching a video that Gnarly Dog posted of one of his friends rolling. They used this rolls finishing stage as an alternative for chest sculling. I call this the Butterfly Chest Scull. I took it one step further and used it as a forward finishing roll. The recovery from this roll reminds me a lot of the Bow Rescue. I find it incredibly useful to be able to grab some floating object and just roll up either backwards or forwards depending upon how my body is oriented. You can obviously practice this roll using a dock or the edge of a pool until you are ready to use your paddle to recover with. This is probably the easiest way to begin to learn the forward finishing norsaq rolls after you have learned the storm roll. Once comfortble completing this with a paddle try it with a norsaq. That is what I call the norsaq chest scull.