I still can’t quite get the finish on this roll. More practice required next weekend. In this video it is pretty clear that you leave the paddle behind in the water and it only comes out as you left your back upright and that it never really comes onto the deck…. food for thought.
Today I also cracked the Petrussen maneuver, which was surprisingly easy with my long tulik, Jeff struggled but I think his tulik was not long enough to allow him to get his hips out and twisted. I also again practiced the nalaasaarneq this time on both sides, in fact most of today’s pool session I spent practicing offside rolls, none forward finishing… that is next on the list.
The new paddle worked like a charm even with its far smaller blade, I saw Fran using hers for the first time too, and Ron had finished the Carbon Aleutian Paddle – it looks awesome.
I discovered by chance today that ISK has an extra pool session on Feb 7th, sign up on line as usual, I just checked and 8 slots were available. Also we are holding a rouge pool session Wednesday the 10th February, sign up at http://poolsession.net