Work continued tonight on the Sports Utility Trailer, I have temporarily given up on making the bikes work and am focused on adapting it for the two kayaks. I moved the front rest back so that it is six feet behind the hitch, and moved the rear rest back to about eighteen inches from the end.
I removed the rubber padding from the rests and fitted Thule Hydro Gilde’s on each side, these make it an extremely snug fit for the Tahe Greenland, they slide nicely along for loading and the front rubber fittings hold the kayak in place tightly even without straps. I am considering reducing the length of the horizontal rests, but wont do that till I have tried the widest kayaks this weekend.
A storm hit Savage this evening so I retreated back into the house and will continue tomorrow with the hull polishing. We have a work outing in the afternoon so I am probably going to take the kayak for an outing…..